Ads Campaign

Updated 2 Oct 2020 11:16:36

An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement Ads that share common properties, conditions under which they can be served in an advertising network. Advertising campaigns are built to accomplish a particular objective or a set of objectives using Ads assigned to them.
How campaigns work (and how you can configure them) can be illustrated with the following examples.

  • Campaign No1 - Contextual targeting.
    Match relevant site content. You can indicate that your Ad be displayed on websites containing particular keywords you indicate, for some selected days of the week. You can also choose to "Pay for impressions" instead of paying by clicks. Under this scenario, our system will read the content of the pages, compare it with your specified keywords. Your Ad will be displayed ONLY IF matches are found.

  • Campaign No2 - Placement targeting.
    You can choose to display your Ad using the "Ad Zones (Places)" available on the publishers' websites - top, bottom, sides etc. In this case, keywords are not taken into consideration. It will be logical, therefore, that you select "Pay for Clicks" (actual result) under campaign No2.
    You can also indicate that your Ad is served through all days of the week, month, etc.
  • As a result, a single Ad can be assigned to several campaigns and displayed in the Network under several, distinct conditions - based on the campaign.

    Specifically, our system allows you to use one Ad for as many as 9 different Campaigns, specifying different combinations of conditions for each campaign.You can also assigned many different Ads to a single campaign.

    Your Ad(s) are can only be displayed on the Network after it has been assigned to at least a campaign. You run campaign(s).